Non medical issue
A 70-year-old man presented with low back pain and generalized body ache for 2 months and convulsion for 1 month. Frequency of convulsions has increased over the last 1 week . Recently he has been diagnosed with small cell carcinoma of the lung with bone and brain metastases. He is awaiting for serial of multiple pending invasive and non-invasive investigations. He doesn’t want any chemo or radiotherapy
- What are the main medications you want to keep for him now?
- Only symptomatic : Anticonvulsant, analgesic – morphine mainly
- How will you manage his pending investigations?
- As he is a terminally ill patient and denies definitive treatment, all advanced investigation should be withheld, however emergency investigations can be done.
- What are the other non medical issues you want to address?
- Patient and family awareness about plan of care
- Offer about Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) form
- To contact all the members he wants to meet.
- Religious or spiritual belief
- Care after death