- converted into serotonin → melatonin
- Converted into niacin (catalyst B2, B6) → Niacin has two form
- Nicotinic acid → used as lipid lowering agent
- Nicotinamide →NAD, NADP → REDOX reaction
Description of photograph:
- Erythematous, hyperpigmented, scaly rashes on chest, face, arm
- alopecia, cheilosis
- Causes of Niacin Deficiency
- Drug: INH (reduce vit B6)
- Carcinoid syndrome →tryptophan consumed for excessive serotonin synthesis
- Hartnup syndrome → decreased absorption of several amino acid including tryptophan
- Alcoholics
- Chronic small intestinal disease
- Mention 3 history:
- Diet history, oral sore (glossitis), alcohol
- Diarrhea, Dementia (forgetfulness), insomnia
- H/O bariatric surgery
- Drug history: INH
- Photodermatitis, Zinc deficiency
- Contact dermatitis, Drug Eruption
- PCT, SLE, Seborrheic dermatitis
Investigation | finding |
S. albumin |
Urinary N-methylnicotinamide *** |
S.Niacin, tryptophan, NAD, NADP |
- Mention one drug for treatment with dose.
- Nicotinamide 100 mg TDS oral/IV